UPDATES: 10/3: TechCrunch reports that TWTR seeks $1 billion; revenue revealed, but no valuation announced yet. 10/4: Atlantic.com on “The 9 ways that Twitter could fail, according to Twitter.” Twitter is ramping up for its initial public offering, anticipated to happen in the coming months. There’s no word on the valuation or the timing — speculation has […]
Google goes indie on tracking
In Google We Trust? Google is in early-stage development for a proprietary advertising tracking system. This would replace traditional “cookie” coding, which is the long-standing method of tracking browsing behavior and ad interactions. USA Today appears to have broken the story, and WSJ and Entrepreneur, among others, have followed up on what is a paradigm-shifting threat to […]
The quest for mindshare evolves yet
Gain Mindshare Now. It was evident even in 2000 — when I set this phrase as the motto of Media Moxie LLC, my digital strategy consultancy — that grabbing mindshare was a necessary step to win business. There’s no marketshare without mindshare. Mindshare is defined here as active awareness toward engagement. Cutting through the white noise […]
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